Public transportation has always been a crucial component of many metropolitan cities around the world. We've observed that a great amount of people around us tend to avoid taking MARTA, with one of the most common reasons being personal safety concerns. The goal of this project is to 1) Understand what factors affect riders' perceived safety on MARTA rail system and 2) Devise a solution to increase perceived safety on MARTA rail system. Based on our research, we created a crowdsourcing prototype that helps users to report incidents and identify the population density of the incoming trains.

Any research projects that don't have a permanent lab affiliation with GVU and are participating in the GVU Center Research Showcase will display their projects here. These projects are by researchers who are partnering with GVU to showcase their work in people-centered computing or using computing technology to solve scientific, social and technical challenges.
Faculty can request at any time to have their lab listed on the GVU website by emailing