The project examines the way that receipts. used in various forms in our everyday lives - and particularly innovative futuristic receipts, were to be experienced and studied. It uses examples from grocery check-out and commodity food store receipts experience. In pairing these examples generated from the preliminary research, the team also started to examine the ecosystem of receipts, including barcode, scanner, and the self-checkout kiosk, of which the team deeded as inseparable from the study.
This, then, is a study about how people were using receipts, but it is more importantly about the evolution of receipts functionality, how people should perceive and use receipts in various contexts, and how we could mock and test the early prototypes in a high-fidelity environment.
From the endless lists of apps that adopt mobile-based interfaces as main user entries to an increasing number of online marketing spam sent through emails, the study would like to prove that there is a limit to the mobile interfaces of receipts. The team believes that factors including culture, food, object characteristics, and other user requirements all played an important role in media expression and purchase behavior. In a world of modernism, the measure of popularity could be absolute, eliding some other concerns.
The study would like also demonstrate that an able designer can hold on the basics of everyday needs without sacrificing progressive conception of human-computer interaction principles.
Students in Georgia Tech's interdisciplinary MS in Human-Computer Interaction program do multiple group class projects, and a capstone individual project. Some projects are presented as part of other labs listed here; others are showcased in the MS-HCI Project Lab.
The two-year program spans four schools: Industrial Design; Interactive Computing; Literature, Media and Communications (Digital Media Program); and Psychology. Approximately 50 new students enroll each fall semester.