Grocery shopping for Vegans and Vegetarians

Dr. Richard Henneman
Aparna Ramesh, Ruoxue Zhang

With veganism/vegetarianism gaining popularity, more individuals are adopting these diets for health and environmental reasons.

This gives rise to several questions:

  1. How healthy are the alternative diets of veganism/vegetarianism?
  2. Do they pose any risk if practiced without sufficient knowledge and customization?
  3. What are some issues vegans/vegetarians face? How can these be better addressed?

For our Master's project, we explored the area of veganism/vegetarianism within the scope of the above questions to conceptualize a solution that best addresses their needs.

Richard Henneman, Carrie Bruce
Nearly 100

Students in Georgia Tech's interdisciplinary MS in Human-Computer Interaction program do multiple group class projects, and a capstone individual project. Some projects are presented as part of other labs listed here; others are showcased in the MS-HCI Project Lab.

The two-year program spans four schools: Industrial Design; Interactive Computing; Literature, Media and Communications (Digital Media Program); and Psychology. Approximately 50 new students enroll each fall semester.