Many types of investigators routinely perform analysis that involves large collections of documents. The Jigsaw system helps investigative analysts with reasoning and sense-making in such scenarios. Jigsaw acts as a visual index
onto a document collection. It first analyzes the documents, identifies
entities, clusters related documents, analyze sentiment and summarizes each document. Next, it provides multiple visualizations of the documents, entities within, and the analysis results. We have used Jigsaw to explore a wide variety of domains and document collections including academic papers, grants, product reviews, business press releases, news articles, intelligence and police reports, statutes, and even books such as the Bible.

At the Information Interfaces Lab, computing technologies are developed that help people take advantage of information to enrich their lives. The lab group develops ways to help people understand information via user interface design, information visualization, peripheral awareness techniques and embodied agents. The goal is to help people make better judgments by learning from all the information available to them.